
参加, 插手的英文

  • get into the act
  • 参加:    join; attend; take part in; ...
  • 插手:    take part; lend a hand
  • 插手:    1.(参加做事) take part; lend a hand 想帮忙又插不上手 be ready to help but not know how to; 人够多了, 您就不用插手了。 you don't have to join in; there are more than enough people on the job already.2.(参与; 干预) have [take] a hand in; poke one's nose into; meddle in 插手某事 have a hand in; 插手太多 meddle too much with things; 到处插手 meddle in everything
  • 别插手:    not stir a finger
  • 插手, 干涉:    butt in
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        参加:    join; attend; take part in; ...
        插手:    take part; lend a hand
        插手:    1.(参加做事) take part; lend a hand 想帮忙又插不上手 be ready to help but not know how to; 人够多了, 您就不用插手了。 you don't have to join in; there are more than enough people on the job already.2.(参与; 干预) have [take] a hand in; poke one's nose into; meddle in 插手某事 have a hand in; 插手太多 meddle too much with things; 到处插手 meddle in everything
        别插手:    not stir a finger
        插手, 干涉:    butt in
        插手,介入:    butt in
        插手于:    butt into
        干预,插手:    mess around in
        参加:    1.(加入) join; attend; take part in; participate in; go in for; partake in [of] sth. with sb.; have hand in; enter into 参加讨论 participate in the discussion; 参加会议 attend a meeting; 参加党 join the party; 积极参加文娱活动 take an active part in recreational activities; 我们班上大多数学生参加各项科学活动。 most students in our class go in for scientific activities.2.(提出意见) give (advice, suggestion, etc.) 这件事你也来参加点意见吧。 come and give us your view on the matter, won't you?; 参加管理[经营] management participation; 参加者 attendance
        不插手的:    hands-off
        参与,插手于:    have a hand in
        插手干预:    meddle and intervene in; interfere in 我们反对任何外来势力插手干预。 we oppose interference by any outside force
        插手某事:    have a hand in sth; take a hand in
        插手其间:    have [set] a hand in; place oneself in
        插手人一多:    a thousand friends are few one enemy is too many
        插手太多:    meddle too much with things
        从事插手:    embark
        到处插手:    stretch tentacles to every corner
        曲柄插手:    crank handle
        他也不想插手:    he doesn
        插手…以便得到好处:    get into the act
        介入银行, 插手银行:    intervening bank
        您就不用插手了:    you don
        帮忙, 参加:    give a hand in; lend a hand in
        不参加:    default; drop out; nonparticipator; opt out; opt-out


  1. "参加 成为人家的一部分"英文
  2. "参加 承兑人"英文
  3. "参加 中国物流职业经理资格初、中证书"英文
  4. "参加, 参与"英文
  5. "参加, 参与, 分享"英文
  6. "参加, 加入"英文
  7. "参加, 假装, 戏弄, 敷衍"英文
  8. "参加, 使成为一体"英文
  9. "参加, 争吵"英文
  10. "参加, 追求, 从事, 赞成"英文


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